COVID Updates
Up to Date Information on ServicesService Times
Parma Christian Fellowship Church meets every weekend on Saturdays and Sundays at 39 Hovey Street in Hilton:Worship Service: Saturdays at 5:00pm and Sundays at 10:00am
Children’s Sunday School: Saturdays and Sundays during sermon time
Saturday service is currently run as a regular in person worship service with live, contemporary music, live prayer, and a live sermon. Our Sunday service is currently run in person with a prerecorded worship set from that Saturday’s service, live prayer, and a live sermon.
You can watch our service online:
Website: Saturday at 5:00pm, Sunday at 10:00am and Wednesday at 9:00pm
YouTube: Saturday at 5:00pm and on demand after that time
Facebook: Sunday at 10:00am and on demand after that time
What To Expect
How You Can HelpPlease stay home if you’re feeling sick, if you have been asked to quarantine, have taken a COVID test (and are waiting for results), or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID.
Church Online remains available Saturdays at 5:30pm and Sundays at 10:00am at, as well as on our YouTube channel and Facebook page.
- Surfaces will be sanitized and cleaned before and after all services.
- If you are seated or using a table, please utilize the cleaning card provided.
- Plenty of hand sanitizing stations will be available throughout the building.
- Please use the hand sanitizer available throughout the building.
- Face coverings which cover your nose and mouth are required for everyone preschool-aged and older. Face coverings for preschoolers in Kids Ministry may be removed once social distancing has been established within kids’ environments (behind plexiglass barriers).
- Staff and volunteers will all be required to wear face coverings (any cloth face covering, such as a fabric mask, scarf, or bandana).
- You may bring your own face mask, or we have complimentary disposable face masks available.
- Seating will be set up for family units to be spaced apart from other attendees (family units may sit with each other).
- We will be waving hello instead of shaking hands when greeting you as well as during meet and greet.
- We will have a bowl that you can drop your prayer requests as well as offering into at the counter when you enter the building.
- We’ll have as many doors as possible held open by volunteers or propped open.
- Please follow signs indicating traffic flow where indicated
- We will follow state guidelines for daycares & elementary schools in our kids’ environments.
- All teachers will wear masks.
- Tables in classrooms have plexiglass barriers to allow for more protection.
- Toys in classrooms are regularly cleaned.
Where We Are:
39 Hovey Street
Hilton, NY 14468