Dr. Michael B. Merrill is our Senior Pastor. Myke has developed many resources from the basis of local church ministry. Materials such as The Children’ Bulletins, The Covenant Series of booklets, a Biblical Spiritual Gifts Inventory, books such as The Simple Strategy of Jesus Christ (a Study in Luke), and over 150 short skits are available on his website. Also available is a seminar titled “Why Do People ACT that Way?” based on his doctoral dissertation titled “Five Basic Emotions: A New Systems Approach.” See drmyke.com for more information on these print resources, as well as on-line and on-site training seminars
Leadership Team
- Ed Allen (president)
- Erin Dibble (vice president)
- Paula Merrill (secretary)
- Laurie Symonds (treasurer)
- Lonnie Rood (assistant treasurer)
- Leah Curran (director of Parma Kids Preschool)
- Clint Goodman (trustee)
- Mike Robinson (trustee)
- Ed Allen (trustee)
- Wayne Monagan (Trustee)
- Lonnie Rood (trustee)
Ministry Leaders
- Pam Merrill (Children’s Ministries)
- Joshua & Paula Merrill (TurningPoint Youth Ministries)
- Joshua Merrill (Softball)
Worship Team
Our Worship Team combines scripture, music, and testimony to bring glory to God.
Our worship team consists of:
- Erin Dibble (vocals, guitar)
- John McLeod (drums)
- Josh Merrill (vocals, piano, percussion)
- Keith Whitcomb (drums)
- Myke Merrill (guitar)
- Terrance Trybus (drums)